Throughout history, we have seen the powerful take control of everything they loved and wreck everything they didn’t. Almost all the influential rulers believed, everything is fair in love and war. Automattic & WP Engine are at war and nobody is enjoying it.
As the war continues to show its destruction, a new website emerges with the name WordPressEngineTracker that tracks how many of WP Engine clients have moved to another hosting provider. The site not only published all the domains that they have on WordPress but also gave access to all domains that are using WP Engine hosting at present. Automattic then confirms that it created the site. The fire erupted, engulfing the whole community again as no one seems to agree with it. Matt is under another row of criticism and disapprovals. The troops on popular forums call it doxing, which is searching or publishing private information with a malicious intent.
This soap opera of the two giants is getting more intense each day. It certainly is a Battle of Titans. As Matt Mullenweg claimed an 8% revenue from WP Engine for using their trademark “WordPress” and WP Engine refusing it saying that it is an open source application and everyone has an equal right to use it. Matt, however, claimed that WP Engine is not contributing enough to the community and it should be the active participants in giving back to the platform.
While the trademark debate continues, Matt has also declared that the domain is under his ownership not the WordPress foundation. The community is furious that it all started with the trademark violations then why now, Matt and Automattic is using WP Engine trademark on the tracking site, doing the same violation themselves. Note that Automattic is the for-profit wing of WordPress which manages
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