A few weeks back it was thank a plugin developer day. I love those guys. They make me happy. But I love them so much that I end up filling my website with plugins to achieve things that I could achieve with code.
Nowadays I love code snippets. They’re handy, like a million times handy. They’re useful for developers and for people who want to customize their themes. Want to do something with WordPress and don’t know how? Just search for a snippet – someone will usually have done it already.
But what if you had 100 useful WordPress code snippets in one place? It’d be great, right? Surely no one could be bothered posting 100 snippets on a blog. That would take forever!
Yes, it did take forever.
Some Words of Warning Basics Branding Dashboard Navigation Widgets Analytics Text Editor Users Search Posts Lists of Posts Category Comments Authors Security Social Media & Sharing Child Themes Media Traffic Advertising Multisite Misc Some Words of Warning ALWAYS back up your site before making any changes to the code. You could end up with something as innocuous as too many spaces or you might come up against plugin compatibility. Even if you are 100% sure of something it is always worth taking precautions. Leland has some good advice for theme developers who are using code snippets in their themes. / If you have two functions with the same name in your theme then it’s not going to work and you’re going to spend hours trying to figure out what the problem is. If you’re planning on using any of these snippets in themes or plugins that you’re going to create and release then you should consider renaming the functions to something individual to prevent problems later. You
Keep reading this article on wpmudev.org